Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 29... Almost there

Day 29! I am not giving up on this challenge even though it didn't turn out exactly like I intended then again does anything in life? It definitely does not. I thought I'd be in a much different place with my Arbonne business right now but unfortunately I am not it took me completely hitting rock bottom last week to come full circle and realize what I needed to do with my life and what was the most important. That thing is me... I need to remember that making money isn't everything and that if I'm not healthy and happy what is the point of making money? I really dug deep and dug myself out of the funk I created by overworking myself and trying juggle way more than I could handle. This time I am going about it all differently and taking it slow. Analyzing everything before I just jump in... I know I can do this just have to go about it all smartly... First step finding my way back to blogging...

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