Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 30... Made it!

So this 30th day post took wayyy longer to get to than I intended but I've found a new love for blogging and have definitely found my calling. I've been feeling pretty lost the past month which is why I haven't really blogged just haven't had the motivation. I did start to miss it though and I didn't want to not finish my challenge even though it wasn't 30 consecutive days like I had originally planned. Better to at least finish the race than start and never finish at all. I've learned a lot about myself by doing this and have grown inside and realized what was truly important to me. My family comes first above all things they are truly what will get me through the roughest times.  I've also decided to build a blogging website and holy geez that takes a lot of research! I'm excited for this new adventure that will await me soon.

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