Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 30... Made it!

So this 30th day post took wayyy longer to get to than I intended but I've found a new love for blogging and have definitely found my calling. I've been feeling pretty lost the past month which is why I haven't really blogged just haven't had the motivation. I did start to miss it though and I didn't want to not finish my challenge even though it wasn't 30 consecutive days like I had originally planned. Better to at least finish the race than start and never finish at all. I've learned a lot about myself by doing this and have grown inside and realized what was truly important to me. My family comes first above all things they are truly what will get me through the roughest times.  I've also decided to build a blogging website and holy geez that takes a lot of research! I'm excited for this new adventure that will await me soon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 29... Almost there

Day 29! I am not giving up on this challenge even though it didn't turn out exactly like I intended then again does anything in life? It definitely does not. I thought I'd be in a much different place with my Arbonne business right now but unfortunately I am not it took me completely hitting rock bottom last week to come full circle and realize what I needed to do with my life and what was the most important. That thing is me... I need to remember that making money isn't everything and that if I'm not healthy and happy what is the point of making money? I really dug deep and dug myself out of the funk I created by overworking myself and trying juggle way more than I could handle. This time I am going about it all differently and taking it slow. Analyzing everything before I just jump in... I know I can do this just have to go about it all smartly... First step finding my way back to blogging...

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day 28... Not giving up

Well I have totally been a hit or miss these past couple weeks with blogging but I am determined to have 30 days of blogging even though they aren't consistently day after day. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions these past few weeks and I am now finally feeling better after completely hitting rock bottom. My husband and I now have a game plan because let's face it the road we were headed down was going to end us up in divorce which neither one of us want. I've got two more months then I'm calling it quits with the thing that is ruining our marriage (my job) and will start doing my life for me and my family. I have wanted out of this job since the day I had our first son but I stayed for my mom because she didn't want me to go and I've stayed for 4 years never had a maternity leave with either of my boys because I worked from home. Partly because I couldn't stand being without money and bringing something in to our home even though my husband has always said he could take care of us (that's the feminist in me... lol).I should've listened because I don't think I would be as miserable as I am now. After he and I had a nice date we really talked and we made a game plan of what our next move would be and today I can say I am truly happy. I don't want to jump the gun and quit on Monday but I want to finish all of my tasks at hand because I am not one to leave a project unfinished. I can now start making a game plan for my little daycare service and start getting all of the necessary things accomplished now. Who knows this could also give me some more time towards my other business ventures. It feels amazing to finally feel relaxed knowing that it will all be okay.

BTW I've published my website! Still need to add more to it but if you end up here check it out its called =)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 27... Going Home

Life is what you make it but sometimes life is cut short. No one knows when they will leave this Earth but you have to make it worth it... no regrets. Rest in peace sweet JoAnn

tattoo i got for my mom who lost her battle with breast cancer

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 26... Blogging

Well I've missed 2 days but I'm still determined to get a full 30 days of blogging just won't be consecutive days but it will still be done! Life has been pretty rough the past week and I kinda lost myself in just about everything since I found out about that American Idol audition. I got so focused on it I forgot about those who are important to me and my husband and I kept getting irritated with each other. I also let my side business really slack because I put way to much on my plate all at once and I kind of flamed out. My flame is relit just not burning as bright as before but it's getting there. I'm really hoping for some sort of miracle that I hit my $2500 brick to maintain my District Manager level in Arbonne I'm $1179 away and there are 2 days left in the month so here's wishing for a miracle. I'm putting it out into the universe that I will hit it my $1179 goal by June 30th. I think I'm starting to find my balance slowly but surely just need to stay positive and as one wise fish once said "Just keep swimming" 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 25... I'm official!

Well I just made my first domain name purchase! I have decided I wanted to make a blog/site to help mom's like me who are really busy and don't have time for things now feel like they have time for things and that it is doable. I like helping to motivate people and that's just what I want to do with this new site. I am going to help mom's by simplifying it. The name for it is simple enough right? Well now to get to work on yet another crazy project... If I can do this with my crazy life anyone can. I'll just let life guide me to exactly where I need to be.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Day 24... Dream

I actually auditioned for American Idol today still can't believe that happened. I got so nervous I forgot the lyrics but at least I can say I tried. It was such a long day so I will leave you with this