Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 27... Going Home

Life is what you make it but sometimes life is cut short. No one knows when they will leave this Earth but you have to make it worth it... no regrets. Rest in peace sweet JoAnn

tattoo i got for my mom who lost her battle with breast cancer

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 26... Blogging

Well I've missed 2 days but I'm still determined to get a full 30 days of blogging just won't be consecutive days but it will still be done! Life has been pretty rough the past week and I kinda lost myself in just about everything since I found out about that American Idol audition. I got so focused on it I forgot about those who are important to me and my husband and I kept getting irritated with each other. I also let my side business really slack because I put way to much on my plate all at once and I kind of flamed out. My flame is relit just not burning as bright as before but it's getting there. I'm really hoping for some sort of miracle that I hit my $2500 brick to maintain my District Manager level in Arbonne I'm $1179 away and there are 2 days left in the month so here's wishing for a miracle. I'm putting it out into the universe that I will hit it my $1179 goal by June 30th. I think I'm starting to find my balance slowly but surely just need to stay positive and as one wise fish once said "Just keep swimming" 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day 25... I'm official!

Well I just made my first domain name purchase! I have decided I wanted to make a blog/site to help mom's like me who are really busy and don't have time for things now feel like they have time for things and that it is doable. I like helping to motivate people and that's just what I want to do with this new site. I am going to help mom's by simplifying it. The name for it is simple enough right? Well now to get to work on yet another crazy project... If I can do this with my crazy life anyone can. I'll just let life guide me to exactly where I need to be.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Day 24... Dream

I actually auditioned for American Idol today still can't believe that happened. I got so nervous I forgot the lyrics but at least I can say I tried. It was such a long day so I will leave you with this 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 23.... Jittery

I can not believe my little 14 year old girl dream of auditioning for American Idol is about to become a reality tomorrow. I still can't believe this is really happening... They're coming to Tucson on their bus stop tour I never in a million years thought they would be in my hometown. It's very surreal that this is happening almost like it was meant to be. My husband told me about it about a week and a half ago and I thought the cut off was 24 so I did some research and turned out to be 28 so conveniently I'm only 27. I would of never known about this if it wasn't for him mentioning it to me because we both work downtown so his work was making arrangements for the chaos. He told me to try out so here I am and haven't really sang in about 9 years. I don't really care if I win or lose I'm just glad I can cross it off my bucket list. It would be awesome to make it to at least see the judges but if I don't it's not the end of the world. Either way still really excited!!! I'll post all about my adventures tomorrow! Good night world!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Day 22... Chaos

Chaos is my life I seriously never seem to have just a minute to sit and breathe, especially today. Wow work wasn't really chaotic but wow when I got home it was like running a million miles a minute I had so much to accomplished for my side business and my audition. I'm excited for it all but wow I just need to take a breather. Like right now I still have a ton of things that need to be done but figured I'd try writing my blog from my computer tonight instead of my phone. I really wish I had more time to spend on my blog; hopefully some day I will be able to really fit it into my schedule or at least one really good one a week. I guess we shall see what unfolds. I foresee the next couple days to be a bit crazier especially since I really need to memorize my lyrics still... Well I need to get more samples together to mail out... Until tomorrow and sorry this entry is all over the place its pretty much how my brain is currently.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Day 21.... Not enough time

Happy Father's Day! Figured I'd start off with that. Also I totally did my blog yesterday and just noticed it never published =\ I think it went through now so still on track with my challenge. 

Anywho onward to my topic. I'm doing this from my phone again and it's a pain but I'll make do. There are just not enough hours in a day to get everything done I need to get done. It's really starting to stress me out because my home is starting to suffer. It's a disaster zone. I am still searching for the answer on trying to balance it all. Lists have been helping but I feel like my lists keep getting longer and I keep getting more behind on them. Also I'm tired from constantly going I need to find balance. I hope soon I will. 

Day 20... Birthday Party

Today my parents put together a last minute birthday party for me and it was beyond sweet of them only 2 of my friends were able to come last minute but we still had a blast. Kinda a pain to blog from my phone sooo I will just add some pictures. 

Until tomorrow 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 19... Happy Birthday!

I dozed off around 9 pm then woke up to shower and I'm exhausted but didn't want to miss a day so here I am half awake. Anywho... 

I'm officially 27 and I'm tired lol. Goodnight world I will try to make a more exciting blog tomorrow. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 18... Birthday Eve

Well I haven't really written a lengthy blog in a while not really sure where to begin right now either... It is crazy to think I only have an hour left of being 26. For some reason I feel like 27 is old. It's only 3 years to 30 and for some reason that scares me yet excites me. I'm curious where I will be when I'm 30. Life is passing by so quickly and I know I don't want to be where I am currently I want my life to be better. Don't get me wrong I do love my life and I'm very grateful for all that I have but it doesn't mean I don't want to enhance it just a little bit. I guess the only thing I really want before I'm 30 is a better work life. I want a job I truly enjoy.

So many people get stuck in a job they do for pretty much their whole lives just so they can live but are they truly living? They have the job so they can provide for their family because that in itself is also a job but in today's society it seems as if that job is on the back burner for some which is probably why the divorce rate is so high. More people would rather work harder for the job that brings in money rather than the one that costs them it. I believe with a little hard work in each category you can find the true happiness in life.

Work at your daily job to get you by, work a little harder to reach your dream job but not to much so you don't lose out on the most important job which is your family. Like they say slow and steady win the race. No one else can make your happiness for you.

What makes me happy is my husband, my two boys, my dog, my family, and my friends. These are all I really need in my life they are my happiness all of the other things in my life are just a bonus and I could live without but if I didn't have these people in my life I would be nothing without them.

I love them all so much more than any of them will probably ever know.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Day 17... Steps

Whatever you do don't give up no matter what step you're on. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Day 16... Sick

Wow I really can't catch a break this past week. I've been trying to fight this cold off and today from all the stress and lack of sleep I think it has officially set it but I'm not going to let it take me down. I refuse to throw in the towel and let it fully take me over. I'm going to wake up tomorrow feeling 100% because I want to. Mind over matter 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 15... Halfway Point

Well my last few days have been really short because I haven't had a lot of time and well still don't have a lot of time to write right now either. I really do have too many things going on right now it's relatively hard to keep my head screwed on straight. I really want some sleep so I need to finish my journal entries but I didn't want to skip a day sooo hopefully tomorrow I can write a good one. I miss writing...

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Day 14... Almost forgot!

Well apparently my weekends make it hard to remember to do my blogging. I even had a good idea earlier to blog about but now it is escaping my brain. Maybe it will come to me tomorrow. I have a long day ahead of me so I will have to write an epic blog tomorrow since I need to get some sleep now. Good night blog land! 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Day 13...

Today I've got nothing... Just trying to spend time with my hubby <3

Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 12... My husband

My husband never ceases to amaze me and I'm so thankful to call him mine. We went to the mall tonight so I could go with my friend to The Container Store and he took the boys while we wandered for 2 hours. We met him for dinner and I asked him what they did and he took the boys to story time at one of the stores. I never in a million years thought he would do that or really have the patience for it. I couldn't ask for a better husband. I would make this a longer post but I'm tired so goodnight world!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 11... Tired

It's weeks like this week that make me realize why I want to get my network marketing business going I'm so beat and am getting burnt out from financials. I'm not giving up because I know I can do this. As someone once told me just believe, see it, envision it and it will manifest into something beautiful. 

Believing is a beautiful thing.

There's something rather magical in believing; it may feel like a fantasy and you're in la la land and it's something unattainable but what if it was attainable? What if you started envisioning exactly what you wanted and then one day it just happened? What if one day it was just a dream that seemed so far away then one day you were living that dream? It could happen just see every detail of your future life exactly like you want it. 

There is power in believing and then manifesting those beliefs no matter how much you just want to throw in the towel at the end of the day. Yes it would be easier but would you be happy with just giving up? I didn't think so... When you start feeling that way just take a deep breath and tell yourself "Inhale confidence. Exhale doubt." 

You can make a beautiful life if you just believe. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day 10... Wacky Wednesday

Well I've made it 10 days of blogging so far so yay!!! I'm trying to fight off a cold and I forgot to take my immunity support the last few days and now it's starting to settle in but I'm still fighting the battle and am determined to win! Just like with anything if you set your mind to it you will win. My brain is currently fried since I just worked 12 hours today... so I'm just kind of rambling but hey I'm still here. I am determined to win this challenge because I think it has really helped me in just the last 10 days of writing. It helps release the stresses of the day and reminds me there is something greater out there for me I just have to keep fighting the good fight and I know in my heart it will happen. Don't ever stop believing in yourself. <3

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 9... Not so Terrific Tuesday

Oh Tuesday why were you not so great as I was hoping??? I think I just let the drama of work get to me unfortunately and of course being around such horrible negative energy at the end of the day doesn't help matters any. I am also dreading entering time sheets right now for payroll tomorrow so I figured what better way to clear my head than to blog! So here I am just kind of venting about my day. I guess the best way to turn this Terrible Tuesday back into a Terrific Tuesday is only from this sentence on talk about the positive.

Lets start with it rained this morning and I love waking up to the sound and smell of rain, there is something so calming about it. I also got to see the wonderful teachers at my boys daycare, they are some of the sweetest ladies. I did get a good amount of work done today and I did see some of the coworkers I like there. Made a deposit for work and a field trip to the bank is always fun. Then my son had his last teeball game of the season and he did so good. It makes me proud to see how much he and his teammates have grown over the season. I hope he wants to do it next year because it was fun getting to know other moms even though I barely started doing that towards the last couple weeks. My sweet amazing husband I would be lost without him. He saw I was having a bit of a mental breakdown and just took over, he bought dinner and started bath time and helped a ton getting our boys ready for bed. I would be lost without him. Now as I wrote that list I have one last thing to be thankful for and that is this blog. Just writing those few sentences I already feel much better and ready to tackle my timesheets to make tomorrow's payroll flow smoother.

As my husband always says "Don't sweat the small stuff because it's all small stuff."

Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 8... Monday

Today was Monday the day everyone dreads... I woke up instead of loathing today I decided I would own it and I did. Today I didn't let anything stand in my way I accomplished a ton at work at a good amount on my network marketing business. I'm tired with accomplishing so much but I'm going to own Tuesday too. So off to bed I go. Remember mind over matter.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 7... Unplanned Days

Today was pretty much a crazy roller coaster of emotions but I made it through the day and I am going to sleep on a happy note. My morning started out great my husband let me sleep in so I was fully rested and was ready to conquer the day. I made some delicious banana peacan pancakes and my boys were all very happy with them. I was ready to plan my day when I got a phone call that messed it all up. It was a work phone call and that place just stresses me out to no end. It's the weekend don't bug me about work drama. So that just sent me into a really foul mood for a good portion of the day. Until I told myself around 4pm that enough was enough I was taking my day back. I wasn't letting anyone ruining me from still having a somewhat of a productive day and enjoying my Sunday. I finally broke out my planner and made my list which I was about to do around 11am instead of 5 pm. Better late than never right? I really need to plan my day the day before one of these days I will get there. Well until tomorrow friends we shall see how it goes. Not looking forward to it but I will hold my head high and not let anything bother me. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day 6... Get busy living

Today was a crazy busy day. I had lunch with my friend for her birthday, then went shopping at Target, then went to my nephew's 1st birthday party and then to my parents for some swimming and dinner. At the beginning of the day I really just wanted to do nothing and clean my house. No matter how much I just want to be a home body sometimes it is good to go outside and see friends and make new memories with them. I wouldn't trade those moments for anything because you will never get today back so you better enjoy the people in it. The dishes will always be there later just maybe a few more added to the pile. The floor will still be there to be swept tomorrow just with a few more crumbs to add to the dustpan. Opportunities to make memories with friends and family won't always be there because anything can happen and be over in the blink of an eye.  Make today count you don't know how many you have left on this wonderful planet we call our home. In honor of my busy day some of the people I love. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift that's why it's called the present. 💝

Nothing better than an Arizona sunset 😎

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 4... Light in the Dark

Today has had its ups and its downs just like every day does... I told myself I would do this challenge and I plan on sticking to it because it really does make me feel better. I never thought I had it in myself to really write but I do rather find myself enjoying it. Sometimes you just need that mental break. Anywho back to my point...

I found myself being jealous of other people and the things they have that I don't and how it always seems the grass is greener on the other side. Is it really that much greener though? When you get close you realize how much upkeep there is in keeping that grass so green. If you forget a few days of watering in a blazing sun it starts to dry out and turn brown. Life is a lot of upkeep everyone has things that come easier to some than it does to others but if you want it try and find a way to make it happen, it's not going to just fall in your lap you have to work at it. Paint that picture and hang it up envision it whenever you are feeling blue and don't lose hope. Someday your train will reach the end of the tunnel and you will burst out of the darkness into the light and it will keep on shining as you chug along your track.

Day 5... Eyes Wide Open

Wake up... Open your eyes... What do you see?

I see a dark room with four walls a doorway with light shinning with a day that's awaiting me as soon as I get out of bed. Will I take a chance today I ask myself and I tell myself I will if the opportunity arises for one. 

Today I took that chance and I'm hoping that chance will help change someone's life down the line. Life is about taking chances and seeing what happens. I took a chance today and maybe I will get a wonderful friend down the line for finally stepping out of my comfort zone. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 3... Do you dare?

Oh today... today... today... I often wonder today what tomorrow will bring me? I always hope for a better tomorrow but sometimes tomorrow sucks just as much as today did, but what if we could change that? If your tomorrow was perfect what would it look like? What if that perfect tomorrow then turned into a perfect today?

My perfect tomorrow would be being able to quit my job, no longer have any financial worries, stay home with my amazing 2 little guys, have time to actually clean house, organize, cook amazing homemade meals, maybe even get back to my crafting roots that I long for. My perfect tomorrow would let me enjoy the little things so much more, like stopping to smell the roses. I know I will get my perfect tomorrow as long as I keep believing it will happen today.

Life... it is so short, you have to make the most of it. Ask yourself; are you just living life or do you want to LIVE your life? There is no sense by just living life because after all no one gets out alive anyways, so live it to your max. Take chances within reason of course but honestly what do you have to lose? Don't let it pass you by and then realize at the end you wish you would've stopped to smell the roses more. It goes so fast, treasure every moment you spend on this earth it is a glorious place we live with so much waiting for us we just need to take advantage of the opportunities.

With that said... will you dream with me today?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 2... Getting Dirty

So as my day comes to a close figured I better squeeze today's thoughts into my blog... I guess my first thought is really a question for you. Why is it so hard for people to get dirty? You may be thinking "What the heck is she talking about?" What I mean is why do some people just tell people what to do instead of actually doing it? Not very often do you see leaders down in the trenches with their troops but yet they get all of the credit. They are too busy directing everyone instead of being right there with them trying to get a handle on things, they don't ever pick up the slack when it's needed. The ones that do help never get the recognition they so rightfully so deserve. At least I know exactly what not to do when I am a leader in my own business.

With the business I am building I will be right there with each of my troops ready to lead them into battle but I will not be sitting back on my horse; I will be right there with them ready to charge into battle and face whatever obstacles lie ahead of us. As of right now I am a team of one person but someday I will be running my own nation of Arbonne entrepreneurs and every month I will be right there ready to charge into battle with them.

With that said now I need to figure out how to get there...

I did make a very first small simple step today I didn't put the dishes off to later. Kids went to bed and I looked at the couch and walked into the kitchen to make my detox tea and do the dishes. No matter how much I really just wanted to sit down and relax I didn't and that says a lot to me. I know some day I will reach the top and change peoples lives but as the saying goes slow and steady wins the race. I will get there at my own pace but I will get there and that's all that truly matters.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Day 1? The Beginning of Something Beautiful...

Well my cousin has recently inspired me with her 30 days of blogging challenge soo I've decided to join her! I figured what better than the first day of a new month! I keep telling myself I want to get back to blogging but just haven't found the time... or maybe it just me making excuses? I mean I really don't have a lot of time but I'm working on prioritizing everything. For instance I work roughly 40 hours a week sometimes 45, full time mom to two crazy boys 3 and 1, devoted wife, building a home based business and currently taking my 3 year old to tee ball games and practices (that's almost over on June 9th).

Being a full time mom and full time employee is exhausting... trying to maintain a clean house, plus eat healthy and spend enough time with each person in our household takes a lot out of me. I know it's a lot but I know I can handle it if I start managing my time better. So I think that is what I am going to blog about being the best me I can be.

I am an average American... I'm done being average I want to be above average. I want to move mountains; I want to make a difference in my family's life and give them the best possible life I can give them. I am ready to be all I can be. I will prove to yesterday's me that I could do it and I am good enough to make life happen and not just sit back and watch it pass me by.

So goodbye old Marie and hello new Marie together we will change our life...