Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 7... Unplanned Days

Today was pretty much a crazy roller coaster of emotions but I made it through the day and I am going to sleep on a happy note. My morning started out great my husband let me sleep in so I was fully rested and was ready to conquer the day. I made some delicious banana peacan pancakes and my boys were all very happy with them. I was ready to plan my day when I got a phone call that messed it all up. It was a work phone call and that place just stresses me out to no end. It's the weekend don't bug me about work drama. So that just sent me into a really foul mood for a good portion of the day. Until I told myself around 4pm that enough was enough I was taking my day back. I wasn't letting anyone ruining me from still having a somewhat of a productive day and enjoying my Sunday. I finally broke out my planner and made my list which I was about to do around 11am instead of 5 pm. Better late than never right? I really need to plan my day the day before one of these days I will get there. Well until tomorrow friends we shall see how it goes. Not looking forward to it but I will hold my head high and not let anything bother me. 

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