Monday, June 22, 2015

Day 22... Chaos

Chaos is my life I seriously never seem to have just a minute to sit and breathe, especially today. Wow work wasn't really chaotic but wow when I got home it was like running a million miles a minute I had so much to accomplished for my side business and my audition. I'm excited for it all but wow I just need to take a breather. Like right now I still have a ton of things that need to be done but figured I'd try writing my blog from my computer tonight instead of my phone. I really wish I had more time to spend on my blog; hopefully some day I will be able to really fit it into my schedule or at least one really good one a week. I guess we shall see what unfolds. I foresee the next couple days to be a bit crazier especially since I really need to memorize my lyrics still... Well I need to get more samples together to mail out... Until tomorrow and sorry this entry is all over the place its pretty much how my brain is currently.

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